Saturday, February 23, 2008

Here We Go...

Well, we are finally throwing ourselves into the blogging world! Although I feel this is a huge commitment on our part, hopefully we will be successful in keeping all of you up to date on the latest happenings around here!

Leon, Jen, Max and Sam


steveandjonelle said...

Cute picture! How is Sam? Do he and Max look alike? I love blogs. You will have to check out our blog

Anonymous said...

yay! hit me up!

max is so grown up and i wanna sqqueeze them both! i'll be home for a visit in april

Kaleene Henn said...

So Cute Jen! What handsome boys you have. Love the Blog idea and can't wait to catch up with photos and stuff. Talk to you later.

Raeanna said...

your boys are cute! so it looks like Sam is darker skinned than Max, is he? I can't wait to see you guys again sometime!