Sunday, January 25, 2009

12 Years Later.

It has been said that you never really know who you marry.  12 years ago, Leon and I were sealed in the Oakland temple.  Here is what I didn't know at the time about who I married...

I never knew Leon would love my cooking so much.  Even when I cooked pesto with 2 heads of garlic, instead of 2 cloves.  We now call that recipe, Newlywed Pesto.

I never knew Leon would be crying with me as we struggled with infertility.

I never knew Leon would be willing to drive a beat up '94 Jetta in order to use the "truck" savings for InVitro.  

I never knew Leon would be so involved in decorating our home.  It is kind of nice to have someone else's input...well sometimes.

I never knew that part of decorating our house would be leaving numerous tools in our front room.  At one point a rototiller...saw...drills.  

I never knew Leon would give me great advice on how to be tactful.  He always has the right way to say things to others.

I never knew Leon would be so supportive of my public service.  I always thought it would have been the other way around.

I NEVER knew Leon would be the one to leave his socks and paperwork all over the place.  I hope to find this endearing...and soon!

I have always known he would be devoted to me and our children, and he truly is.  That alone outweighs everything else.  


Rhonda said...

What a wonderful tribute to your husband, your friend, the father of your children and your Eternal Companion. I personally think you are both wonderful - Happy Anniversary....Love, Rhonda

Cyndy and George said...

Congratulations on 12 years. I think you both found great people to marry! Love the picture... Leon had so much hair 12 years ago :)

The Ball Family said...

That was so sweet! I never knew that you were sealed in the Oakland temple. You guys are such a great couple and have such an awesome family!

Jeanette and Dave said...

I love to read your blogs. I sent you an anniversary e-card :) ... hope you have a great year celebrating 12 years married. You guys must be getting old.

buffyvandabailey said...

Aaawwww! Look at you two! I love seeing people's old wedding photos. Wait, did I just say old?

Tripp Family said...

Happy Anniversay, that was very nice Jen. When we first get married, we never know what life has in store for us. I think it's a blessing when challenges pull you closer and not far apart. You guys are a great example to all.
Love you guys,

Jessica Hughes said...

I to would take a devoted husband over all else. When you get right down to it it's nothing in the eternities.!! 12 years that's great...

The Sampietro's said...

Have fun this weekend...wink wink!!!

steveandjonelle said...

Jen you are so beautiful. As I looked at your picture I had flashbacks to your wedding reception. Good times. I hope you are doing well!