Thursday, January 15, 2009

I took a little break from blogging.  

For a few reasons.  

I have been on a little personal quest of reevaluating some stuff 
and trying to figure some stuff out.

Vague enough for you? 

Yeah, I know.  Me too.

I will say this...I have a secret wish sometimes...

That I could just "Google" my name and find all of life's answers.  

But it wouldn't be much of a life then would it?  Looking back I appreciate crossroads where I needed to rely on heartfelt prayer and inspiration to make hefty choices. 

I have grown from those experiences.

So, as I continue to develop I am hopeful that happiness will accompany me through this trek.


Then, I can get back to blogging about less of this and more of the hilarity in my life.  


Being flipped off by a grumpy 100 year old lady in front of my 9 year old.
Leon continuing to load 2x4's in his VW Jetta.
The mullet that Sam was sporting and my denial.
Someone cutting in front of me in line, on purpose.


My latest delicious dish.
My dream job.
Good finds.

So much more...


buffyvandabailey said...

Favorite conference quote: "We then remain steady and patient as we progress through mortality. At times, the Lord’s answer will be, “You don’t know everything, but you know enough”—enough to keep the commandments and to do what is right....Brothers and sisters, we each have moments of spiritual power, moments of inspiration and revelation. We must sink them deep into the chambers of our souls. As we do, we prepare our spiritual home storage for moments of personal difficulty."--Neil Andersen

That long enough for you?

Oh, and you have a new delicious dish, but you haven't shared?!

The Sampietro's said...

you guys are such great friends! Im so happy to have you two! buffy dont move and Jen stay where your at!!!! "Keep yo head up"...a little To Pac song comes to mind,ahh how I loved rap.....and a little part of me still does.

Jessica Hughes said...

O jenn sorry to hear your struggling. I have felt like that for a good 4 monts now and I keep going day by day and know the Lord is watching over me. A new dish please share...

Rosalyn said...

I miss you!! Miss our phone calls!! Give me a call if you want to chat.

Anonymous said...


Tell Leon that Jared Wood says hello!