Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Max!

It does not seem possible that Max could be turning nine years old. I don't feel old enough or ready to be a mother of a kid reaching the double digits stage of life.

All day I have been thinking of how much I love this kid and the really cool thing is that I am not the only one. Since he was born, he has had an entourage of people (adults and kids) who love him too!

So in honor of him, here are NINE of my favorite "Max Moments"...

1. When Max was 4 he seriously had a list of like 20 jobs he wanted to favorite was a limo driver.

2. When Max was 3 he announced, "Mom, I don't want to go to college when I grow up. I want to go to jail."

3. When Max was born, he had a head full of blonde hair. It was shiny like silk.

4. Max loved to laugh and shake his diaper back and forth to let us know he needed to be changed.

5. He has always loved bike riding. He once rode over 30 miles on a single speed and never once tired.

6. When we lived in our apartment, I would pull Max in a Radio Flyer wagon to the nearby Albertsons or KMart all the time! He never once tried to escape.

7. When we renovated our house, he insisted on having his own hammer. He also insisted on using it, and was really good at pulling nails! Now that I think about it, he never complained about all of the hours we'd spend at the "working house" (that's what he called it).

8. He used his hair as a napkin as a toddler and now uses his shirt!

9. He lives for football! He even figured out how to play catch when he is by himself...between 4:00 and 5:30 you can usually hear the thumping of the football rolling off the roof!

*these have been approved by max and shared with his permission.


Jodie and the boys said...

Happy Birthday Max! Our family is proud to be members of the "We Love Max Club!" You are an amazing boy and we love having you around!

Rhonda said...

He is an amazing kid! Everyone loves Max!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Max!!! Nine years old?!?! Where has the time gone? Better not blink for to long because in another 9 years Max will be; driving, a legal adult, voting, and going off to college (maybe on a football scholarship). I was telling Mike about your blog today at work and Mike also said in 9 years Max will be old enough for the Military, old enough to purchase cigarettes and firearms, enter an adult book store and a strip club. Mike hasn’t joined the Military, or purchased firearms, or entered a strip club (yet), and said he won’t go back to the adult book store. Too many weird things. (I didn’t ask!) My boys are 22 and 20. I miss them being young. I had lots of fun with them, still do. I miss them being able to sit on my lap to read or just because.

Jen said...

I love your boys and miss them being younger too (especially when I read the list of trouble they could get into!) Tell Mike, we will be having a little talk...he'd better NOT be going back to those stores EVER again! Reach up and give them a squeeze from me!

Anonymous said...

Hope you got my package. LOve reading about your birthday and where does the time go!!!
Love and kisses.

Anonymous said...

About the book store, i went in there once and it freaked me out! I was dragged in there... 5 seconds later i ran screaming, wishing i could gouge out my eyes. But the damage was done to my fragile mind the searing of my retnias into my brain. I could rip out my eyes, but the mental image would not be earsed... The horror.... the horror....

Anonymous said...

you forgot the part where everything he knows he learned from laura jordan. not just laura, but laura jordan- whoop whoop! thats my boy! pound it...