Friday, October 17, 2008

Yesterday I was having a conversation with a friend over the phone, when she abruptly stopped the conversation by shouting, "HOLD ON!!!"

I then listened intently as I heard her shouting and breathing heavily while running...let me just say I could feel her fury from my end.

She quickly came back and said that someone hopped out of their truck and stole her political sign from her front yard. It was a Yes on Prop 8 sign. Her experience left me so disappointed not that there are those that disagree, but that there are some that refuse to "agree to disagree". What happened to that philosophy? She's not the only one...

A neighbor had to remove their Obama signs from their yard, because they continue to be stolen.

A friend had their home vandalized along with their signs.

Signs continue to be stolen from many yards supporting different and important causes.

How sad, it literally brings me to tears. Leon reassuringly agrees that I am a sensitive soul and reminded me of his youth...

Perot vs. Bush (the first one). One night Leon and friends stole dozens of "Perot" signs and put them up on every square foot of the front lawn of a person who they knew STRONGLY opposed Perot. The vision of Perot overkill growing in this neighbors flower beds was hilarious to the boys. I'm sure the boys gave the thievery part of the prank no second thought because it was purely for laughs and was "just a sign".

But to some it's not just a sign. To anyone who takes a stand, and declares it on their property, it's not just a sign. So in honor of my great upbringing and the diversity of views I heard at the dinner table...take a stand, agree to disagree and vote!


Maggie said...

We were just talking about this very thing last night as we brought our Prop 8 sign in for the night so it wouldn't get stolen. My hubby is writing a letter of disgust to the newspaper. What happened to free speech??? Arrghhh.

Jen said...

Maggie you must send me an invite to your blog...since you've gone private I have missed reading your updates! And we need to get ourselves together as well as boys! We'll have to call you for our next girls night out!

Maggie said...

I need your email address. I thought that I had it, but I don't. E-Mail me...MaggieSchim at gmail dot com. :-)

Ginny said...

I agree - I have found my self on the verge of tears many times over this issue. And it has not gotten any better since the election - to me what is happening now, especially at our temples - is even sadder!