Last night while sifting through Max's backpack, I came across a bunch of junk and this...
In case you aren't sure what "this" is, it is a ham and cheese sandwich from
Lately, I have seen Max be very overwhelmed with stuff piling up. I have recognized how easily things get lost or misplaced in the little pile ups we create. It's frustrating and it is time to simplify. I thought I had, but now I mean business.
So, last night we talked. I shared a story of the time when I was in 3rd grade. My teacher, Mr. Lamareaux asked everyone to get a pencil out. I looked through the heap of papers and junk in my desk and no matter how deep I dug, I couldn't find one. The anxiety of knowing the class was waiting for me was making it even harder to search. Although I was TOTALLY at fault for my messiness and disorganized clutter, I never will forget what happened next.
Mr. Lamareaux took my desk, turned it upside down, and shook every little bit of anything and everything that was in the desk, onto the floor. Dramatic, yes. Embarrassing, very much so. As I think about it now, I cry for that little girl who was ashamed and humiliated.
I knew when I saw Max's sandwich I had a chance to help instead of blow up with frustration. We took everything out of his room last night with the plan of returning things slowly and with real thought...Do I need this? Could someone else enjoy this? When do I plan on using this?
So, for awhile I will be the Librarian of Toys and they will be checked out and in by me. I really hope our experiment works for us. I have put Order at the top of my list, for my sake and his. Who would have ever guessed a rotten sandwich could create a pivotal turning point? Crazy motherhood.
Librarian...too funny! Especially because I've been planning the same thing for when we move the boys into the playroom! I figured that's the only way to keep track of everything! Good luck and let me know how it goes!
Great idea! I need to do that to Madison's room. She is definitely not an organizer like her brother. Keep the ideas flowing - you always have great ideas :)
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