Friday, December 5, 2008

Mother of The Year.

And the award goes to...
Oh, you thought I was going to say my name didn't you?
Either you are too kind
You think I think that much of myself.
Maybe you thought of your name...
as you should!
Well the award seriously should go to...

My Mom!
Here is why:
I have an oozing amount of gratitude for the woman who mothers me because she does it so wonderfully!  
*I can always ask her for help and she is never annoyed or inconvenienced.  Like the time I was catering a party and got strep (perfect timing, huh?).  As quick as lightening, she was on her way!  She cleaned my kitchen from the party planning aftermath and tended to Max while tucking me in and feeding my husband.  Oh, and after she helped get things back in order, she drove four hours on her planned visit to family! 
*I never have to worry about not being good enough...she makes me feel awesome at everything I do.  I never feel inadequate around her, in fact she has a way of making me feel like I can do anything and be great at it!  She is equally enthusiastic about a good idea I think I might have...I love that.  So encouraging!
*A few weeks ago, she took my boys on her errands so Leon and I could have some time shopping together...all the while introducing Sam to Costco smoothies and buying Max some much needed syrup at WinCo.  A trip to the Costco FoodCourt will never be the same I discovered recently (major tantrum), but that's okay.  Sam thinks how awesome you are (and I'm not) every time he sees the oversized purple drink in line and Max thinks of you every morning he drowns his pancakes with "the good stuff".  You are the best!  
*The thing about my mom that I will always appreciate is how she loves my husband.  He is just as important to her as I am.  I even think she loves him she should, after all he did marry me for eternity right?  That deserves lots of love from my parents.
My mom is the best.  She came from the best and teaches me to be my best.  Thank you Mom for teaching me the tricks of the trade, called motherhood.
Now don't be expecting a comment, she doesn't do those sorts of things (and I don't take it personal).  Her reading this is good enough for me!



The Ball Family said...

Aww...that was so sweet! I feel the same way about my mother! You are such a great mom too!

Anonymous said...

Not only is your Mom a great Mother, she has always been a GREAT Big sister!!

Jessica Hughes said...

O so lucky you are. How blessed you are to have that.