Monday, December 1, 2008

When Leon Left Me.

Not really, but yeah he did...

When Leon and I were dating, we lived 45 miles away from each other.
This made for a lot of driving...a lot!
One night (early morning) I was driving myself home, south bound 99 when I decided to stop for some gas, powdered donuts and a smallish carton of milk. Oh, the good ol' days.
A few miles down the highway, my car sputtered and clunked its way to the inside 
of the median...then gave up and died!
Lucky for me as I looked across the flowery hedge toward north bound traffic, I found a Cal Trans worker sitting in his truck. Even luckier for me, he happened to be reading of all things his Book of Mormon (ironic, I know). Seeing as this was waaay before cell phones, he was my angel (until my "real" hero could come and rescue me).

I made the call to Leon, hopped back in the car and waited.
I waited.
And waited.
For about 30 minutes.
Then I saw him.
Pass. Me.

Yes, it was no mistaken identity. Leon passed me by and left me alone on Hwy 99. By this time, my angel was long gone and so I sat. Alone. For quite awhile, I waited and stewed over the confusion of the situation. I continued waiting, until a California Highway Patrol car turned on its lights behind me and asked me if I needed assistance.
Ummmmmmm, yeah!!!!

I was first concerned about Leon, WHERE WAS HE?!??!!
So, I called his house and spoke to Jim (a second dad to Leon).
He graciously agreed to come and get me.
Jim did not seem the slightest bit worried (he knew Leon was capable of some foolish things and probably wanted to go back to bed). Instead of worrying or searching, he drove me back to their house saying,  "He's somewhere. He'll get home or call."
All night, I waited. Daylight came, I was still waiting.
No Leon.

Then, around 8:30 am here he comes with the truck roaring into the driveway.

Even though I've heard it a million times...mostly because I keep asking why? how? I love hearing his side of the story:

Here's the condensed version...

Passed the Buick.
Took the next stop.
Got truck stuck in mud.
Truck began to sink in the mud.
Heard "Just get to HER"
Ignored it.
Walked trailer to trailer for help getting out of the mud.
Offering money. Lots of money.
Truck is still sinking.
Hitchhiked in a Trans Am.
Trans Am dropped off in Pixley.
More money.
Called my house early in the morning.
Didn't mention being 10 minutes away.
Hitchhiked back to the truck.
Paid lots of money to lots of people to get truck out of mud.
Drove home to me.

He left me on 99 and I still married him.  But the moral of this story is (this is what Leon says) just listen to that voice that says "Just go to her" and worry about everything else later.  
Lesson learned and I agree...that's why I married him!  


Rhonda said...

That's too funny! I have a similar story (we probably all do). You guys are such a cute family!

Anonymous said...

Poor Leon! What a great story!

Tam said...

Wow that is a pretty good story. I remember those rides. Michael and I had the same "courtship". Right after Michael and I started dating he was in an accident on 99. If we were going to see each other I had to drive him home from things and then drive back. It was worth it though!!!

Jessica Hughes said...

I didn't know that of You guys .Good to know.